Air Transport in India

The economy of any nation depends on its infrastructure. One of the main components of infrastructure is the transport system. The transport system plays an important role in the Indian economy. Air transport in India made progress after Independence. India has both domestic and international airlines. The Airports Authority of India was set up on 1 April 1995 after the merger of the National Airport Authority and International Airports Authority.

Importance of Transport System in India

  • It links the interior regions to the other parts of the country, thus helping in use of resources.
  • It helps in industrialization and urbanization.
  • It transports goods from one place to another.
  • It minimizes the effects of natural disasters.
  • It enables easy movement of people across regions.

Air Transport in India

  • The Airports Authority of India is responsible for providing safe and efficient air traffic services in the country.
  • Air India is a government-owned carrier serving 50 domestic destinations and 39 international destinations. It is the 16th largest airline in Asia. Some private airlines operating in India are Jet Airways, GoAir and SpiceJet.
  • The cargo airline companies in the country are Deccan Cargo and Express Logistics Pvt. Ltd. and Blue Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
  • Pawan Hans Helicopters Ltd. (PHHL) was established with an aim to provide helicopter support services to the oil sector for offshore exploration.

Advantages of Air Transport

  • It is the fastest means of transport.
  • It is also a prestigious and comfortable means of transport.
  • Regions which are covered with dense forests, deserts and high mountains have easily become accessible because of air travel.
  • In case of a natural calamity like floods, when roads cannot be used, relief work is carried out with the help of helicopters.

Disadvantages of Transport

  • It is the costliest means of transport and hence is out of the reach of common people.
  • Unlike roads and railways, airways have still not been connected to the smallest cities.
  • Petroleum which is used as fuel is a non-renewable source of energy.
  • Freight charges are high.

Also, Read Transport

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