What is Poverty Line?
The poverty line is the cut off level of per capita consumption expenditure per month which is needed to maintain a minimum acceptable standard of living in a country.
The poverty line is the cut off level of per capita consumption expenditure per month which is needed to maintain a minimum acceptable standard of living in a country.
Poverty is the inability to secure the minimum human needs of food, clothing, housing, education and health. When a person is unable to fulfil these basic needs, it leads to pain and distress.
Poverty | Meaning, Types, Causes and Measures of Poverty Read More »
The main aim of human capital formation in India is to make human beings in a nation more productive. Expenditure on education and health was incurred through the three tiers of the government—union government, state government and local government.
Human capital is intangible and built in the body and mind of its owner. Whether a human being wants to raise the earnings depends on his/her inner conscience. Human capital cannot be sold, but only its services can be sold in the market.
Human capital is intangible and built in the body and mind of its owner. Whether a human being wants to raise the earnings depends on his/her inner conscience. I
There are two different opinions about the relationship between population growth and economic development. Some economists are of the view that population is an imperative source of economic development.
Can a growing population lead to economic Development? Read More »
Various types of unemployment are prevailing in India. Unemployment refers to a situation when all able and willing persons of a country do not get suitable opportunities to work.
Long-term solutions of Unemployment adopted by the various country to solve the problem of unemployment – Emphasis on sustained self-employment, Growth in infrastructural investment
Unemployment refers to a situation when all able and willing persons of a country do not get suitable opportunities to work. People who are engaged in economic activities are termed workers, and they constitute the workforce.
Unemployment – Meaning, Types, Causes and Impact Read More »
Various types of unemployment are prevailing in the world. Of these, the most important types of unemployment are Seasonal unemployment, Frictional unemployment, Disguised unemployment etc.