4 Executive Powers of the President of India

The President is the head of the Indian Union and is the supreme commander of the defense forces of India. The President of India is titular. His authority is only formal. The President is the head of the Indian Union. All executive orders are issued by the Prime Minister and his cabinet in the name of the President. All key appointments are made in the name of the President on the advice of the Prime Minister and his cabinet. Executive Powers of the President of India are discussed below

Executive Powers of the President of India

(i) All executive actions of the Union Government must be expressed to be taken in the name of the President.

(ii) All officers of the Union are his officers and he has a right to be informed of all affairs of the Union.

(iii) The President also makes rules for the convenient transaction of the business of the Government of India.

(iv) He has a right to be informed by the Prime Minister of all decisions taken by the Council of Ministers.


The President and the Vice President

The President is the head of the Indian Union and is the supreme commander of the defense forces of India. The President is elected indirectly by the members of the Electoral College. Read more

Prime Minister and Council of Ministers

India has a parliamentary form of government in which the Prime Minister is the real head of the country. The President is the nominal head who acts on the advice of the Prime Minister. Read more

The Union Legislature

The Union Parliament consists of the President and two houses—The House of People commonly known as the Lok Sabha and the Council of States known as the Rajya Sabha. The Parliament is a body of people’s representatives who have the supreme power and authority of governance in a democratic country. Read more

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