4 Facts about the Exosphere

The exosphere is the uppermost layer of the Earth.


  • Exosphere has a very thin layer of air.
  • Light gases such as helium and hydrogen float into space from this layer because of the lack of gravity.
  • This layer extends from 480 to 960 km above the Earth.
  • Temperature increases with height in this layer. The temperature may well go beyond 5,500°C

Functions of the Atmosphere

  • The atmosphere is one of the most essential elements required for the survival of life on Earth.
  • Water vapour in the atmosphere causes precipitation on the Earth.
  • While oxygen present in the atmosphere is the life-giving gas on the Earth, carbon dioxide absorbs heat and keeps the Earth warm during the nights.
  • It acts as a blanket that shields the Earth from the harmful radiation of the Sun.

Also, Read The Atmosphere

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