Impact of Waste Accumulation on Landscape

If wastes are allowed to accumulate and are not disposed of carefully, then they will not only affect our environment but will also affect our health. Here we have discussed the Impact of Waste Accumulation on Landscape.

  • When accumulated wastes are left open and unattended, they begin to decompose. This results in the growth and multiplication of a number of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and fungi that carry germs of various diseases to human settlements.
  • The decomposition of wastes also produces various gases which pollute the air around us.
  • During the rainy season, rain water takes various decomposed wastes containing pathogens to water bodies causing water pollution.

Impact of Waste Accumulation on Landscape

  • Waste accumulation ruins the natural beauty of the landscape. Apart from this, it also becomes the thriving ground for rats and other disease-carrying germs.
  • Burning of coal, fuel or wood produces sulphur and nitrogen which react with oxygen to form sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide, respectively. When these gases react with water vapour, sulphuric acid and nitric acid are formed. Precipitation of water along with these acids forms acid rain.
  • When monuments come into contact with acid rain, gypsum and calcium are washed away leading to their corrosion. Examples: The Parthenon of Athens, the Colosseum of Rome, the Taj Mahal of Agra


Waste Management-I

Waste refers to any discarded material which no longer remains useful. According to the Environment Protection Act, 1990, waste is any substance that constitutes a scrap material, or effluent, or an unwanted surplus that arises out of the application of any process. Read more

Waste Management-II

If wastes are allowed to accumulate and are not disposed of carefully, then they will not only affect our environment but will also affect our health. When accumulated wastes are left open and unattended, they begin to decompose. Read more

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