7 Types of Funds in Accounting

The various funds of an NPO can be classified broadly into two major types as Unrestricted Fund and Restricted Fund.

Types of Funds

Unrestricted Funds

There exist no restrictions on the utilization of these funds. The management can use these funds in any manner as it wants. These funds are used by NPOs for carrying out their day-to-day business operations. In short, these funds are utilized to achieve the general set of objectives of the NPO. These funds are also known as Capital Fund or General Fund. Any Surplus or deficit as per the Income and Expenditure Account is adjusted to this capital fund in the Balance Sheet.

Restricted Funds

Unlike unrestricted funds, restricted funds can only be used for the purposes they are meant for. Such restrictions are either imposed by the members or by the donors of the funds. Some of the examples of restricted funds are Prize Fund, Sports Fund, Building Fund, Tournament Fund, Annuity Fund, Loan Fund, etc. For instance, sports funds can be only be utilized to carry out sports activities. Similarly, the other funds are also maintained for specific purposes.

Types of Restricted Funds

The given below is the further classification of the restricted funds.

Endowment Funds: These funds are basically the funds via gifts and bequests. These funds are maintained with the condition that only the income from the investments of such funds can be utilized for a specific purpose. That is, in different words, the principal amount of such funds remains unchanged as it is only the income amount that is used.

Loan Funds: These funds are maintained to provide loans for specific purposes. The purpose of granting loans from such funds is not to earn profits but to assist the person who is in need. One of the examples of loan funds is an education loan, which is granted to a poor and needy student.

Annuity Funds: These funds are created to pay a fixed amount at a regular time interval (generally annually) to the specified beneficiaries. The amount is paid during the lifetime of the beneficiaries or till the date as specified by the donor. After the death of the beneficiary or termination of the date, these funds become the property of the NPO.

Prize Funds: These funds are created for the distribution of prizes.

Fixed Assets Funds: These funds are maintained to make investments in the fixed assets such as Building Fund, Pavilion Fund, Auditorium Fund, etc.

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Balance Sheet

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