What is Agroforestry?

Agroforestry is an agricultural practice that involves the cultivation of trees. It is a land management system in which trees or shrubs are planted and grown among crops or in pasturelands.

Objectives of Agroforestry

  • To make the best use of all the available resources such as soil
  • To obtain various forest products and agricultural crops on the same piece of land
  • To check the possibility of soil erosion and floods by planting trees in crop lands
  • To maintain the ecological balance along with proper use of farm resources
  • In traditional forestry, only trees are grown; however, in agroforestry, trees along with crops are planted. Agro forestry is also able to withstand the pressure of increasing population, unlike traditional forestry. Agroforestry is a scientific system of managing land with the help of local communities which is absent in traditional forestry.

Difference Between Agroforestry and Traditional Forestry

In traditional forestry, only trees are grown; however, in agroforestry, trees along with crops are planted. Agroforestry is also able to withstand the pressure of increasing population, unlike traditional forestry. Agro forestry is a scientific system of managing land with the help of local communities which is absent in traditional forestry.

National Forest Policy

The National Forest Policy was adopted in 1952 by the government of India. The policy gives importance to sustainable forest management to conserve forests. Important objectives of the National Forest Policy are

  • To maintain the stability of the environment by preservation and restoration of ecological balance
  • To check soil erosion and denudation in the catchment areas of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs
  • To increase the productivity of forests to meet essential national needs
  • To create people’s movement on a large-scale involving woman for preserving forests
  • To conserve the natural heritage of the country by preserving natural forests, flora, and fauna.


Natural Vegetation of India

Natural vegetation is vegetation that grows in the region all by itself without the interference of human activity. There is a thin line of difference between flora and forests. Read more

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