Way by which the authority of the Prime Minister can be checked?

Question: Mention one way by which the authority of the Prime Minister can be checked?

Answer: If the Prime Minister fails to carry out obligations or makes detrimental choices, then the members of the House pass a Motion of No-Confidence. This deems him ‘not fit’ to hold the position anymore. Thus, the authority of the Prime Minister can be checked.


Prime Minister and Council of Ministers

India has a parliamentary form of government in which the Prime Minister is the real head of the country. The President is the nominal head who acts on the advice of the Prime Minister. Read more

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Human rights refer to freedoms and rights which should be available to all human beings irrespective of their caste, class, gender, and religion. These rights include the right to life, the right to freedom of speech and expression, the right to equality, the right to education, etc. Read more

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