Difference between LLP and Partnership Firm

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a relatively new form of business entity that was formed to overcome the limitations of the existing forms of business entity mainly, Partnership and Company. The need for LLP grew as small business owners who usually started off with the Partnership form of business had to bear unlimited liability despite their meager means. Thus, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) provided the much needed respite by combining the best of both worlds. By drawing its characteristics from both the partnership and the company form, it is slowly catching up to be a popular way of organising the business. Following are the difference between LLP and Partnership Firm.

Difference between LLP and Partnership Firm

Independent EntityIt has an entity separate from its owners.It does not have a separate entity.
Number of PartnersNo maximum limit but minimum shall be two.Maximum: 50
Minimum: 2
Governing LawThe Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008Indian Partnership Act, 1932
Registration of the FirmRegistration mandatory with the Registrar of Companies (Roc)Not mandatory
Liability of the
Limited to the extent of their contribution to the firm.Unlimited meaning their personal property can be used for paying off the firm’s liability.
It has a perpetual existence and is not affected by the death, admission, exit or retirement of partners.It does not have a perpetual existence.
Body Corporate As a PartnerCan be admitted as a partner.Cannot be admitted as a partner
Who owns the assets?Assets of the firm are owned by the LLP and not the partners.Assets of the firm are owned by the partners and not the firm.

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Balance Sheet

The balance sheet is the last financial statement that is prepared by any organization. This statement helps to ascertain the true financial position of an enterprise at the end of an accounting period

Profit and Loss Account

A profit and Loss Account is the second financial statement prepared by an organization. This account is prepared to ascertain the net results of a firm in form of net profit earned or net loss incurred during an accounting period.

Accounting Software

Accounting software is an integral part of the computerized accounting system. The accounting software should be selected after considering the level of skill and proficiency of the accounting professionals.

What are Accounting Reports?

Accounting Reports: When the collected data is processed and manipulated in a useful sense that can be understood by the users without any ambiguity, then it becomes information.

Transaction Processing System

Transaction Processing System (TPS) refers to a computerized system that records, processes, validates, and stores routine transactions that occur in various functional areas of a business on daily basis.

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