Discuss the procedure in passing a Non-Money Bill by Union Parliament

Question: Discuss the procedure to be followed by the Union Parliament in passing a Non-Money Bill

Answer: Procedure in passing a Non-Money Bill by Union Parliament:

The Non-Money Bills or Ordinary Bills can be introduced on either House of the Parliament. Approval of both the Houses of the Parliament is necessary to pass the Ordinary Bill. In case of difference, there is a provision of joint sitting of both the Houses.

In each House, an Ordinary Bill has to pass through these following stages:
(i) First reading, (ii) Second reading, (iii) Committee stage, (iv) Report stage, (v) Third reading.

Then the Bill goes for assent to the President. If the President returns the Bill for reconsideration and the Parliament repasses it again, the President has to give his assent to the Bill and it is considered as passed.


The Union Legislature

The Union Parliament consists of the President and two houses—The House of People commonly known as the Lok Sabha and the Council of States known as the Rajya Sabha. The Parliament is a body of people’s representatives who have the supreme power and authority of governance in a democratic country. Read more

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