
Electrolysis is the process of decomposition of a chemical compound in an aqueous solution or in a molten state, accompanied by a chemical change using direct current.

An electrolyte is an ionic compound that in the fused state or in the aqueous solution allows the passage of an electric current and is decomposed by it.

The compounds which in their aqueous solution or in the fused state are almost completely ionized are called strong electrolytes. Examples: Mineral acids, alkalis, and salts.

The compounds which in their fused state or aqueous solution are feebly ionized and are poor conductors of electricity are called weak electrolytes. Examples: Acetic acid, and oxalic acid.

The compounds which neither in solution nor in the molten state allow an electric current to pass through them are called non-electrolytes. Examples: Kerosene, carbon disulphide.

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