Types of Motions
A motion is a proposal made by a member of the House to take some important matter related to public importance for discussions. Members draw the attention of the government on important matters by bringing in the motions. Some important types of motions are No confidence Motion, Adjournment Motion
No Confidence Motion
A No Confidence Motion is a proposal that expresses a lack of confidence in a Ministry. The Prime Minister and his Council of ministers are collectively responsible to the Parliament. If a motion of No Confidence is moved by the opposition with the required support of at least 50 members, it is first discussed and then put to vote. If the No Confidence Motion is passed in the Lok Sabha, the government has to resign.
Adjournment Motion
The adjournment motion is an extraordinary procedure that leads to discussing the matters of urgent public opinion leaving aside the normal businesses of the House. Such motions are generally allowed on subjects such as a large-scale dacoity, occurrence of a disastrous natural calamity, communal tension, etc.
Adjournment and the Prorogation of the House
When the Government resigns because of the passing of the Motion of No Confidence, the Prime Minister can recommend the dissolution of the House. The President can dissolve the House if the Prime Minister recommends him and if there are no parties that have the majority to form the government. The House can also be adjourned if a sitting or an ex-member of the House dies, there is too much disorder in the House, or when there is no quorum in the House.
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