Top 2 Pollution Control Devices

Pollution Control devices are capable of trapping the emissions of water-soluble gases such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and ammonia. They are also used for removing fly ash after the combustion of coal or other materials.

Pollution Control Devices #1


  • A wet scrubber is a device that is used for trapping the emissions of water-soluble gases such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and ammonia.
  • In a wet scrubber, spray nozzles are fitted through which water is sprayed into the device in a way that it goes downwards.
  • As polluted gases rise upwards, the particulate matter present in it collides with water drops. Because of the gravitational force, the water drops containing particulate matter settle at the bottom, and the pollutants are segregated.

Pollution Control Devices #2

Electrostatic Precipitator

  • This device is used for removing fly ash after the combustion of coal or other materials. The process of its working is as follows:
  • After the combustion of coal and other materials, polluted gas or smoke enters the electrostatic precipitator.
  • The device is electronically charged. The polluted air and the impurities become negatively charged as they gain electrons on their surface.
  • Negatively charged dust particles are then drawn towards the positively charged electrode plates and are deposited there.
  • Impurities are then dislodged by mechanical rappers and get collected at the bottom of the unit in a hopper.
  • An electrostatic precipitator is a very efficient device that removes more than 99% of impurities.
  • The advantages of using this device are that they are economical to operate and has high efficiency. They also do not produce moisture plumes.


Waste Management-I

Waste refers to any discarded material which no longer remains useful. According to the Environment Protection Act, 1990, waste is any substance that constitutes a scrap material, or effluent, or an unwanted surplus that arises out of the application of any process. Read more

Waste Management-II

If wastes are allowed to accumulate and are not disposed of carefully, then they will not only affect our environment but will also affect our health. When accumulated wastes are left open and unattended, they begin to decompose. Read more

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