Unemployment refers to a situation when all able and willing persons of a country do not get suitable opportunities to work. Various types of unemployment are prevailing in the world. After going through this post, you will be able to understand Seasonal unemployment.

Seasonal Unemployment Definition
Because of the absence of proper irrigation facilities and subsidiary employment opportunities in rural areas, multiple cropping is not possible in most rural areas. Hence, these farmers remain idle for about 5–7 months in a year. This situation is called seasonal unemployment.
Seasonal Unemployment Example
Agriculture is a seasonal occupation. There exists a time lag of approximately 5 to 7 months between the cultivation of two crops. During this time, due to a lack of alternative employment opportunities, farmers remain without any jobs. Similarly, people who engage in post-harvesting activities, find work for only some part of the year. These are examples of seasonal unemployment.
Thus, seasonal unemployment refers to the situation in which people are not able to find jobs during certain months of the year.
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