Xylem ~ Types, Location, Function


Cell: A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of a living organism. Example: Nerve cell.
Tissue: A tissue is a group of cells having a common origin, similar structure and function and held together by a cementing substance. Example: Connective tissue.
Organ: Different types of tissues working together and contributing to some specific function inside the body constitute an organ. Example: Stomach.
Organ system: Different organs coordinate to perform a specific life process and form an organ system. Example: Digestive system.
Organism: Various organ systems working simultaneously together constitute an organism. Example: Plants. In this article we are going to learn only about Xylem.

Classification of plant tissues


Types of Permanent Tissue

  • Protective tissue
  • Supporting tissue
  • Conducting tissue

Conducting tissue

Conducting tissues are also called vascular tissue. Conducting tissues are Present in the stem, roots and leaves. Conducting tissue Provide a passage for water and dissolved materials to move up and down in the plant body.

Types of Conducting tissue

  • Xylem
  • Phloem


CHARACTERISTICS1. Complex permanent tissue
with thick-walled
2. Most of the cells
are dead.
LOCATIONPresent in the stem, roots and leaves.
FUNCTIONProvides upward
movement of water and dissolved
materials absorbed by the root from the soil
to other parts of
the plant.

Components of it :

  • Tracheids
  • Xylem vessels
  • Xylem parenchyma
  • Xylem fibres


CHARACTERISTICSMade up of elongated cells with
flat, tapering ends.
FUNCTIONProvide a network
of hollow and
connected cells for the transport of water.

Xylem vessels:

CHARACTERISTICS1. Consist of dead
2. They are tubular
structures and are
much wider than
FUNCTIONAllow free flow of
water and minerals in the vertical direction
from the roots to
the leaves.

Xylem parenchyma:

CHARACTERISTICSConsists of living
parenchyma cells
associated with
FUNCTIONStores food in the
plant body.


CHARACTERISTICSSeparated by thin
cross walls.
FUNCTIONMainly support
the plant.

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