6 Roles of Political Parties

Political Parties have Significant Roles as it participates in the election and addresses major social, economic, and political issues which are faced by the nation or state.

Roles of Political Parties

  • It acts as a link between the people and the government.
  • Election-related functions of a political party are
  • It participates in the election and addresses major social, economic and political issues which are faced by the nation or state.
  • A political party selects suitable candidates for contesting elections.
  • It campaigns for its own party policies and candidates by organising rallies, public meetings and taking out processions.
  • The party workers help a political party to win public support and cooperation.
  • One of the major roles of a political party is to provide good governance after forming the government at the centre or state level.
  • Political parties provide people with an alternative choice at the time of elections. When people are not happy with the performance of a ruling party, they can vote for another political party.
  • Political parties unite the nation by integrating different classes, interest groups and overcoming geographical distances.
  • Political parties can also plan for social progressive changes.

​Objectives of the political parties

  • To capture power and form the government
  • To safeguard national interests through their programmes and ideologies
  • The parties in opposition scrutinise the policies of the ruling party
  • To provide public leaders who can lead the country on the path of development
  • To provide a common platform for uniting masses which are divided on religious, social, cultural and other religious groups
  • Also Read Elections

Importance of the National Party

  • National presence helps it to solve regional issues
  • Works for the upliftment of people and nation
  • Formulate policies for solving major national issues
  • The opposition party keeps check on the ruling party
  • It takes part in forming the government at the centre
  • Also Read Constitution -Fundamental Rights and Duties

Importance of the Regional Party

  • It looks into the problems and issues at the regional level.
  • A regional party with representation in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha helps draw attention of the nationalist parties and the people towards regional issues.
  • Many regional parties have extended their support to national parties. This helps give a stable government at the centre.
  • Regional parties can play the role of the opposition party if it is not a part of the government.
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