Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean (Area: 8,65,60,000 sq. km) is the second-largest ocean in the world. Its name is derived from Atlas, a Titan (giant) in Greek Mythology. It is an S-shaped ocean.

The Central Ridge runs almost in the middle of the Ocean. It is on this ridge (a ridge is a geological feature that consists of a chain of mountains or hills running for a considerable distance) that most islands of the Atlantic Ocean lie.

It has the longest coastline. The coastline is broken and is bordered by many fertile lands of Europe.

It is the biggest highway of commerce. It is the Busiest ocean for trade and commerce since its shipping routes connect the two most industrialized regions, namely Western Europe and N.E. United States of America.

The Atlantic Ocean was formed millions of years ago when a rift open up in the Gondwanaland and the continents of South America and Africa separated. The separation continues even today and the Atlantic Ocean is still widening.

The Continental islands of Newfoundland and the British Isles are the major ones.

Volcanic islands are fewer and they include those of Cuba, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico. Iceland is the largest island of volcanic origin.

Also, Read Importance of Oceans

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