QUESTION: With reference to the revolt of 1857 explain briefly the British policy of racial discrimination
Answer: British policy of racial discrimination
The British considered themselves racially superior to Indians. Educated Indians were not given appointments to high posts. In Civil Services they could rise to the post of Sardar or an Amin, in military service to the rank of a Subedar. They were hated and humiliated in their own country.
The First War of Independence, 1857
The revolt of 1857 shook the foundations of British rule in India. The revolt took place because of numerous reasons. Some reasons for the revolt were… Read more
The Rise of Assertive Nationalism
The Indian National Congress in its initial years was dominated by the early nationalists who wanted self-government for the Indians. They believed in agitating within constitutional limits. After 1905, emerged nationalist leaders who believed in the radical policy. They wanted complete independence from British control. Read more