Different categories of cases that are dealt with by the Revenue courts

Revenue Courts deals with cases relating to the assessment and collection of land revenue as well as property tax. These Courts are divided into different categories which are given below in their descending order.

Categories of the Revenue Courts

The Board of Revenue: The highest Revenue Court in a District is the Board of Revenue. It works under the High Court. It hears appeals against the decision of lower Revenue Courts.

Commissioners Court: A Commissioner, with the assistance of three to four Deputy Commissioner, look after the assessment and collection of revenue in his areas.

Collectors Court: This Court is generally headed by the Deputy Commissioner of a District. Besides discharging his original function as the administration of the District, he help the revenue department in assessment and collection of revenue.

Tehsildars Court: A Tehsildar is responsible for collection of the revenue and property taxes as assessed by the Naib Tehsildar’s.

Naib Tehsildar’s Court: It is the lowest Court. It hear cases relating to the assessment of the and revenue and property taxes from farmers.


The High Courts and Subordinate Courts

The Constitution of India has provided for a High Court for each state. However, there may be one High Court for two states or union territories. This depends on the area and the population of the state or a union territory. There are 21 High Courts in India. Delhi is the only union territory which has a High Court of its own. Read more

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Human rights refer to freedoms and rights which should be available to all human beings irrespective of their caste, class, gender and religion. These rights include the right to life, the right to freedom of speech and expression, the right to equality, the right to education etc. Read more

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