How the Parliamentary Committees are controlled by the Speaker?

Question: How the Parliamentary Committees are controlled by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha?

Control over Parliamentary Committees

  • The speaker is the Ex-officio Chairman of some of the Committees of the House, such as the Business Advisory Committee and the Rules Committee.
  • He appoints Chairmen of all Committees of the House.
  • He issues directions to the Chairmen in all matters relating to their working.
  • If Government claims that a particular document is secret, but the Committees insist on its production before them, the matter is referred to the Speaker for advice and his instructions are obeyed.


The Union Legislature

The Union Parliament consists of the President and two houses—The House of People commonly known as the Lok Sabha and the Council of States known as the Rajya Sabha. The Parliament is a body of people’s representatives who have the supreme power and authority of governance in a democratic country. Read more

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