Doctrine of Salvation

The doctrine of Salvation: Mahavira accepted the current theories of Karma and rebirth. His main aim in life had been to attain salvation. He exhorted that man could be liberated from the cycle of birth and rebirth by following the Triratna (3 gems) right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct. Mahavira stressed the fact that right conduct is possible through making five vows—not to injure anything Ahimsa), not to tell lies (Satya), not to steal, not to have any possession, and to observe celibacy Brahmacharya).

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The Vedic Period

The age of history in which the Vedas were composed in the Indian subcontinent is known as the Vedic Age. The Vedas were composed by the Aryans. There are four Vedas—the Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, and Arthaveda. Read more

The Age of the Guptas

The Gupta Empire ruled the country from AD 320 to AD 540. It was not as large as the Mauryan Empire, but it politically united the North Indian territories for more than a hundred years. Read more

The Mughal Empire

The weakness of the Delhi Sultanate and political disunity thereafter led to the establishment of Mughal rule in India. The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur after he defeated Ibrahim Lodi in the First Battle of Panipat in 1526. Read more

The Medieval India – South india and Cholas

The Chera kingdom was one of the earliest kingdoms in South India. They were later defeated by the Pallavas in the 4th century AD. In the 10th century, the Cholas became a powerful kingdom in the South. Read more

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