History Notes Class 10

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Growth of Nationalism

The main aim of British policies in India was to promote their own trade interests. They exploited the Indian economy to such an extent that India became one of the poorest countries within two centuries of British rule. Read more

Partition of Bengal

The partition of Bengal was one of the most controversial decisions of Lord Curzon. His decision to partition Bengal evoked huge protests from people all over the country. Read more

Mahatma Gandhi and the National Movement

Mahatma Gandhi’s principle of non-violence was laid down on the principle that no kind of injury should be caused either by words or by action. Gandhi opined that non-violence is a positive and active force. Read more

Independence and partition of India

India’s freedom struggle entered a new phase by the end of the Second World War. This period was extremely uneasy and difficult because the Indian National Army (INA) had met an unfortunate end, memories of the Quit India Movement were still fresh and the Muslim League was vociferously demanding the creation of a separate state of Pakistan. Read more

World War ii

This was the deadliest war as over 50 million people including civilians and soldiers died in it. Apart from these, 12 million people died in concentration camps. The population size of many countries was reduced. While Poland lost about 20% of its population, the Soviet Union lost about 10% of its population. Heavy economic losses were suffered by the nations which participated in the war. Read more

Programmes and Achievements of the Early Nationalists

The Indian National Congress from its inception in 1885 to 1905 was dominated by the early nationalists. These early nationalists were eminent personalities. They were lawyers, barristers, teachers and officials. Because many of them were educated in England, they believed in the British sense of justice and fair play. Read more

The Muslim League

The Hindus and the Muslims had peacefully coexisted in the country for centuries. They respected the culture and traditions of each other. The Hindus and the Muslims had fought together against the British during the revolt of 1857. Read more

Quit India Movement

Congress had formed ministries in the United Provinces, Central Provinces, Odisha, Bihar, Chennai and Mumbai. Later, it also formed governments in the Assam and Northwest Frontier Provinces. Read more

First World War

The First World War which began in 1914 was different from all the other previous wars. It was fought by several nations and affected almost all countries. New methods of defence and destruction were used in it. Read more

The United Nations

The United Nations was formed after the end of the Second World War. The world leaders felt the necessity to establish an organization which would be more powerful than the League of Nations. Read more

Major Agencies of the United Nations

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was set up by the UN General Assembly to help children who suffered during the Second World War. It also catered to the needs of the children in post-war Europe. Read more

Non-Aligned Movement

The Non-Aligned Movement(NAM) emerged after the Second World War. After the Second World War, the world was divided into two blocs—the capitalist bloc led by the USA and the socialist bloc led by USSR. Read more

The First War of Independence, 1857

The revolt of 1857 shook the foundations of British rule in India. The revolt took place because of numerous reasons. Some reasons for the revolt were… Read more

The Rise of Assertive Nationalism

The Indian National Congress in its initial years was dominated by the early nationalists who wanted self-government for the Indians. They believed in agitating within constitutional limits. After 1905, emerged the nationalist leaders who believed in radical policy. They wanted complete independence from British control. Read more

Lucknow Pact, Home Rule League, August Declaration

Many significant political events in India took place during the years of the First World War (1914–18) which led to the deepening of national sentiments in the country. Three such political events were… Read here

Forward Bloc and the INA

The INA gave a tough fight to the British. It not only advanced up to the frontiers of India but also captured the strong military post of Klang Klang. It also captured Ukhral and Kohima. Read more

Rise of Dictatorship

After the First World War, democracy was established in many parts of the world. But gradually, dictatorial governments were established in Russia, Germany, Italy and Spain. These states also aimed at expanding their military might. Read more

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