What are Industrial Wastes?

Wastes emanating from various large and small-scale industries are known as industrial wastes.

Types of Industrial Wastes

Industrial wastes can be categorized into the following groups depending on the nature of the industry:

  1. Mining: Wastes generated during mining activities are known as mining wastes. Many chemicals and liquids get discharged leading to the deterioration of land and water resources.
  2. Cement Industry: These industries discharge fine dust particles which can cause serious health hazards.
  3. Oil Refineries: These industries cause serious environmental problems. They generate wastes such as organic sulphur compounds, hydrocarbons, and organic acids.
  4. Construction Sites: The wastes include bricks, plastics, pipes, roofing, and insulating materials.
  5. Paper Industry: The effluents of the industry include sulphur dioxide and chlorine which can endanger the lives of aquatic organisms.
  6. Textile Industry: Its wastes include effluents resulting from the boiling and processing of fibres.
  7. Chemical Industries: These industries include manufacturing industries and fertilizer and pesticide industries.
  8. Metal industries: These industries produce wastes containing copper, lead, acids, chromium, and zinc which can affect the life of aquatic animals


Waste Management-I

Waste refers to any discarded material which no longer remains useful. According to the Environment Protection Act, 1990, waste is any substance that constitutes a scrap material, or effluent, or an unwanted surplus that arises out of the application of any process. Read more

Waste Management-II

If wastes are allowed to accumulate and are not disposed of carefully, then they will not only affect our environment but will also affect our health. When accumulated wastes are left open and unattended, they begin to decompose. Read more

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