Consumer Rights
Here is the List of Consumer Rights
- Right to Safety
- Right to choose
- Right to be heard
- Right to seek redressal
- Right to consumer education
- Right to be informed
Right to safety: It implies the right to be protected against the marketing of goods and services which are hazardous to our health and property. The goods and services purchased by consumers should not only meet their immediate needs but also fulfill their long-term interests.
Right to choose: Consumers have the right to choose from among the variety of goods and services available before them at a competitive price. This right becomes meaningful in a competitive environment where a large number of enterprises are allowed to produce different goods and services with the least control by the government.
Right to be heard: The interest of the consumer will receive due consideration at appropriate forums. Thus, any consumer has the right to raise their voice against unfair and restrictive trade practices.
Right to seek redressal: Consumers have been given the right of redressal of their grievances relating to the performance, grade, and quality of goods and services. In case of any defect, the product must be repaired or replaced by the seller. The Consumer Protection Act has duly provided for a fair settlement of genuine grievances of consumers. It has also set up a proper mechanism for their redressal at district, state, and national levels.
Right to consumer education: Consumers have the right to acquire adequate knowledge and skill to become educated and informed throughout their life.
Right to be informed: Adequate and accurate information about quality, quantity, purity, standard, and the price of the goods and services must be provided to consumers. Nowadays, the manufacturers provide detailed information about the contents of the product, its quantity, date of manufacturing, date of expiry, maximum retail price, and precautions to be taken on the label and package of the product. This information helps consumers in their buying decision and the use of the product.
Duties of a consumer
To check if the products are of the standard quality: While making purchases, consumers should check for standard quality certification marks such as ISI, Agmark, FPO, Eco-mark and Hallmark.
To be aware of deceptive and unfair trade practices: For consumers to be protected against unfair trade practices, they should be aware and cautious of the quality, quantity, purity, standard, and price of goods and services, so that they are not deceived.
To acquire proper knowledge: It is a consumer’s duty to acquire knowledge and skills needed for taking action and to influence factors that affect consumer decisions.
To receive consumer education: Education is the most powerful tool for the promotion of consumer welfare. Consumers must educate themselves through programs conducted by voluntary organizations with the help of mass media.
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