Cyclones are variable winds. In low latitudes, an intense depression with low-pressure conditions develops, known as tropical cyclones. These last only for few days.
- Because of the Coriolis Effect, they blow in an anti-clockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
- They are associated with turbulent weather, cloudy weather, strong winds, and intense rainfall.
- A Tornado is a tropical cyclone that occurs over land. It is a funnel-shaped cloud extending downwards from the base of the thunderstorms. They may travel at a high speed of 500–800 km per hour. They are generally experienced over tropical waters in North America.
- Hurricanes and typhoons are some other tropical cyclones.
- Temperate cyclones are active over mid-latitudinal regions between 35° and 65° latitude in both hemispheres.
- Anti-cyclones represent calm weather. Winds blow gently in the clockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere and in the anti-clockwise direction in the Southern Hemisphere.
Differences between tropical cyclones and temperate cyclones
Tropical Cyclones | Temperate Cyclones |
They originate between 8° and 20° north and south of the oceans in the tropical regions. | These are active over mid-latitudinal regions between 35° and 65° latitudes in both hemispheres. |
These are produced and developed mainly over the sea. | These are produced over both land and sea. |
These are limited to small areas and generally travel from east to west. | They comparatively cover a large area and generally move from west to east. |
The wind is calm at the centre of tropical cyclones with no rainfall. | The wind is strong and rainfall occurs at the centre of temperate cyclones. |
Differences between cyclones and anti-cyclones
Cyclones | Anti-cyclones |
It is a low-pressure system with surroundings of high pressure. | It is a high-pressure system with surroundings of low pressure |
It blows anti-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere. | It blows clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere. |
It blows clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere | It blows anti-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. |
It is associated with cloudy skies, heavy rainfall with stormy winds. | It is associated with clear skies, mild winds, and dry conditions. |
It can cause great damage to life and property if precautions are not taken. | The weather is settled and pleasant. |
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