Importance of Health Programmes in India

Importance of Health Programmes in India: Health is a public good and a basic human right. Therefore, no person should be deprived of healthcare facilities. Decentralisation is the need of the hour to ensure that healthcare services are accessible to all. The urban-rural divide in terms of the availability of sufficient and proper healthcare centres needs to be rectified. It is important to make quality medical facilities available at nominal costs.

This promotes their worthiness and popularity. Further, there must be some regulation to check the exorbitant fees charged by private medical centres. The effectiveness of various health-care programmes needs to be enhanced by increasing the number of hospitals, modernising medical facilities, developing infrastructure, improving the doctor–population ratio and increasing the number of medical colleges. Telecom and IT sectors should play their role in making healthcare programmes more effective.

Health Programmes in India are crucial to increase people’s awareness about health and hygiene. The success of the health sector depends upon education, the spread of knowledge, increased awareness and efficient health infrastructure.

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