What do you understand by Individual Responsibility?

The principle of Individual Responsibility in the Constitution implies that each Minister is responsible for his personal conduct, departmental lapses, and departure from the official policy. Under the circumstances arising out of these causes, the concerned Minister has to resign.

Principles of Individual Responsibility

  • Every minister is responsible to the Prime Minister and holds office during his pleasure. He has to answer all questions asked by the Members of Parliament related to their department.
  • All ministers are individually responsible to the President and hold office during the pleasure of the President.
  • Every minister is responsible for any wrong policy formulated by him/her and the breach of secrecy. In the past, several ministers have owned mistakes committed by his/her department and have resigned from their posts.
  • Thus, though the Prime Minister and his Council of Ministers play an important part in formulating and executing various laws and policies, they are answerable to the people for every decision which is taken by them.


Prime Minister and Council of Ministers

India has a parliamentary form of government in which the Prime Minister is the real head of the country. The President is the nominal head who acts on the advice of the Prime Minister. Read more

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