3 Types of Plains

Plains are large pieces of flat land. They have a gently undulating surface. There are three types of plains. These are

Types of Plains

Structural Plains:
Plains that are formed because of the upliftment and submergence of lands are known as structural plains. Examples: Great Plains of USA, Coromandel Plains in India Formation of block mountains.

Erosional Plains:
These plains are formed by the agents of erosion. They may be formed when hills are eroded and worn down. These are known as peneplains. Example: Niagara Plain in USA Many plains are also formed because of erosional activities of winds and glaciers.

Depositional Plains:
Plains formed because of the depositional activities of rivers and winds are known as depositional plains. The Great Indian Plains and the Mississippi Plains in the USA have been formed by the depositional activities of the Ganga and Mississippi rivers, respectively. Plains such as the Thar Desert and the Sahara Desert have been formed by the deposition of wind. Many plains are also formed because of marine deposition. Example: East coast of India

Valleys and Basins

Valleys are formed because of both tectonic and erosional forces. The Rift Valley of East Africa has been formed by tectonic forces, while the Ganga Brahmaputra Valley is an example of a valley formed by erosional forces. A basin is formed because of the depositional activities of a river.


Landforms of the Earth

The surface of the earth is not the same everywhere. The earth has an infinite variety of landforms. Some parts of the lithosphere may be rugged and some flat. Read more


A volcano is a vent or an opening in the Earth’s crust from which hot magma erupts from the interior of the Earth. Volcanoes are generally caused because of the following reasons. Read more

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