Petrochemical Industries
Petrochemical industries use raw materials which are generally the products of petroleum, LPG and coal. These industries are located near oil refineries which can supply the basic requirements of naphtha and benzene.
Petrochemical industries use raw materials which are generally the products of petroleum, LPG and coal. These industries are located near oil refineries which can supply the basic requirements of naphtha and benzene.
Electronic industries developed in India about 1950. It is the fastest-growing industry. The Indian Telephone Industry, Space Technology, Software Industry
Heavy engineering industries are important industries as they provide machinery for industries and equipment for the agriculture, transport, mining, and construction sectors.
The shipbuilding industry is located near the source of raw materials in India as the shipbuilding industry requires bulky raw materials.
Tanks are used for irrigation in peninsular India including Maharashtra and Gujarat. Water from the tank is then carried to the fields through narrow channels.
In India, well irrigation is generally practized in Uttar Pradesh, Goa, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar,
Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
Nagarjunasagar and Tungabhadra projects are major canals in the south. One-third of the net irrigated area in Tamil Nadu is under canal irrigation.
Major conventional means of irrigation in India are wells, tanks, and canals. Well irrigation is generally found in the alluvial plains where they can be easily dug because of the soft nature of the soil.
India is a land of many rivers, lakes, lagoons, and ponds. Water resources in India account for 4% of the world’s water resources.
Modern Methods of Irrigation – Furrow Irrigation, Spray Irrigation, Drip Irrigation, We need to conserve water as the population is growing at an extremely fast pace.