Do Working moms make better mothers than women who stay at home?

Working Moms Make Good Mothers

Are working moms make good mothers?

Gone are the days when the onus of supporting the family financially was solely the responsibility of the man. After the Second World War, women had to take up the jobs that were earlier the prerogative of men. Women who had been content with housekeeping were now forced to fill the gap left by their men who died at war. They were now financially independent and capable of financially supporting their families. Despite this newfound independence, women were not freed from the traditional responsibilities of taking care of the household and the children. However, since then, women have been striking a fine balance between their professional and personal lives.

working moms

Working moms play many roles and effectively balance their responsibilities. Working moms make a better mother as she understands the demand of the constantly evolving world. Working moms prepare their children to deal with the vicissitudes of the world. She inspires them to make their own identity and instills discipline into their lives. Being accustomed to handling workplace stress, she knows how to manage the ever-changing needs of her children as they grow up. She helps them keep pace with the changing world. Children look up to their financially independent mothers and aspire to be like them.

Working moms are not confined to the four walls of their houses. They explore the world outside and have a better understanding of what is right and wrong. In the world of price rises and competitiveness, one working parent cannot fulfill the needs of the family. A working woman can supplement the family’s income and relieve the burden from the shoulders of her husband. Working mothers, therefore, make better mothers than their stay-at-home counterparts no matter what the skeptics say.

Women Who Stay at Home Make Good Mothers than Working Moms

Working people are not new to making sacrifices for the sake of their careers. Often, these sacrifices come at a bigger cost to their personal relationships. The ever-growing needs of the modern family have caused many women to take up jobs at the cost of raising their children. This has given rise to a trend wherein women soft-pedal the needs of their families to pursue their careers.

Some think that children only need support in the first few years of their growth. In their formative years, the mother has to spend a lot of her time and resources to nurture her child. Commitment to work would mean that the mother has to rush back to the office leaving the child in the care of either the grandparents or a babysitter. Such a decision results in the child receiving conflicting messages about the parenting style of the mother. If the child does not receive the required attention, it grows increasingly aloof. The parent-child relationship is thus strained.

Research suggests that children benefit greatly from contact with their mothers. The best form of attachment begins when the mother does not leave the child alone regularly. The child’s life is full of milestones such as uttering the first word, standing up on its own, and walking. The working mother will never get to partake in all this. The stay-at-home mother is more likely to be in touch with her child’s activities. She is better placed to sense the needs of her child. Child-rearing has to be dealt with with a hands-on approach, which only a stay-at-home mother can achieve. Therefore, it is clear that working women do not make better mothers.

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Although working moms can supplement the family’s income and relieve the burden from the shoulders of her husband, the stay-at-home mother is more likely to be in touch with her child’s activities. She is better placed to sense the needs of her child. Therefore, Stay-at-home mothers make better mothers than working women.

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