Military service should be made mandatory in India.
The Indian armed forces are recently finding it difficult to attract bright youngsters to serve their country. Youngsters aspire to become doctors and managers, but no one wants to fight for or protect their country. If military service is made compulsory, the youth of the country will have to offer their services to the nation.

While our soldiers sacrifice their lives at the border, many ignorant youngsters misuse their rights and freedom. They take their responsibility towards the country for granted and often behave in an uncivilized manner. Making military training compulsory will ensure that the country’s youth are obliged to show their commitment towards the nation. It will also help the youngsters understand what goes into protecting one’s country against all odds.
Military service makes you a disciplined individual. Discipline goes a long way in building one’s character. Military service also inculcates the values of integrity and excellence at a young age. Making military service compulsory will help the armed forces train more soldiers and officers to build a better nation.
Military service should not be made mandatory in India.
Many citizens are reluctant to join the armed forces because individuals in the forces are expected to serve the country before themselves. If military service is made compulsory, youngsters will join the training because they have to and not because they wish to serve their country. This will produce soldiers and officers sticking around only to enjoy the benefits offered by the government.
Training a soldier involves high costs and time. It also involves sharing confidential details about the country’s army, navy, and air force. Therefore, only those with a high level of integrity and commitment towards one’s country should be allowed to join the armed forces.
Conscription shows successful results in countries with smaller populations. In India, it can lead to mismanagement and regional discrimination. Therefore, military training shouldn’t be made compulsory in India.
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Making military service compulsory will help the armed forces train more soldiers and officers to build a better nation. Conscription shows successful results in countries with smaller populations. In India, it can lead to mismanagement and regional discrimination. Therefore, military training shouldn’t be made compulsory in India.
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